a little food for shadenfreude
(too old to reply)
2003-08-19 15:55:21 UTC
Here's a little biscuit for those of you who pay too much
Whilst visiting on the Peninsula this June I learned that John had
off of a high deck in the Big Sur and broke something important. I think
leg, but to tell the truth, I wasn't paying that much attention to the
Let's just say he had a great fall.
Since I'm on the subject, what's up with all the interest in that
anyway? It's a tome completely unnecessary, not to say undocumented,
unsound, and uninformed.
Be that as it may, it's not the kind of thing one need dwell on. Just
John best of luck and hope he makes a million off of it.
[MAC]Clearly, all of the above lines wallow in "schadenfreude," except
for the final two, Robert. Be that as it may, it might still require
more than the last two sentences to compensate for this egregious
error. You could have at least compared Mac_Leary's *tome* to your
brother, Tulio's, novel: I LIVED INSIDE THE CAMPUS REVOLUTION, since
it covers the same historical (hysterical?)period and rewrites history
for its own ends. Regardless, it gave me a chuckle or two, as I
pictured you before your keyboard, wearing a wide, shit-eating grin.
Heh! As for McHumpty-Dumpty's fall, JohnBoy still has all of the
hippie's horses and all of the hippie's men to try and put the
MacEggMacMuffin back together again... They certainly have served a
useful purpose for our hippie guru at amazon.com, writing flattering
commentaries and aiding in the censoring of others that are not so
flattering. You should try your hand at a critique of his
*uninformed* art at Amazon yourself... no need to be objective.
As for the contrived plea in your final sentence above: "Best of
Luck, John, and I hope you make a million off of your marijuana
crops... and then get busted!"
P.S. Rumor has it that Lilian died of toxic shock... she loved to
smoke those Havana tampons, eh?
"As I said,..."
Thanks for not jumping on my mispelling of Schadenfreude, H.L., perhaps a
little gesture for old time's sake?
You're lucky that I didn't jump all over your "biscuit" metaphor.
Your present post appears to another "tidbit;" this one smothered with
schadenfreude-gravy instead of your usual salad of Asian wisdom (In my
mind, Confucious was still the Amy Vanderbilt of China).
Taking things in order of importance, I don't see the need to be
disrespectful towards Lillian, now that she's died an unpleasant and early
death. As I understand it, the cause was cancer.
Your "order of importance" is more heart than intellect. She was at
her best when first married to you. With Lorca on the scene, she
turned back into the Island Roach that she was, by birth and
upbringing. As with respect, disrespect commands its likeness. After
she cuckolded and dumped you, and later became a frothing, vindictive
harpy who found her true avocation working for a Collection Agency, it
only seems natural that it affirms my low opinion of Cubans,
Filipinos, and any cultural mixture thereof. Bye the bye, Sally's old
relation, Rochelle Higgins,(the one that married her first husband,
John) died recently from breast cancer, after a final few years as a
frothing, jew-baiting, flea market gorgon who planted bombs in Men's
restrooms throughout Santa Cruz county. She even did a number on
me... # 2, IIRC. The bitches are everywhere these days, Bob... be
careful out there.
As for my brother's work, it's his, both the good and the bad, and there is
quite a catalogue of work that has placed him among those at the top of his
Along with Margaret Mead and her Somoan fabrications?
I'm not about to defend his episode in the pay of J. Edgar
Hoover, or his confused politics.
"Good on You," as they say in New Zealand. Better to be affiliated
with the Sopranos than the FBI.
As for my opinion of John McCleary's dictionary, I've done all the reviewing
of it that I care to. I didn't see much about it that I approve of, although
I credit John for his tenacity.
I see him more as a deadbeat hippie, having little else of
significance to do with his insipid life.
I'll look at the Amazon reviews.
The best have been censored and deleted. Amazon.com is in the
business of selling books, it seems, not in search of truths.
It seems to me there is maybe a little envy on your part, H.L. If not, why
so many calories burned dissing the guy?
You might ask yourself the same question, Bob. Your response to my
posts are a "playing-off" of one against another. You never liked
McCleary yourself, but you never suffered as much slander at his hand
as I did. He needs a ream-job. I'm happy to supply the
plumber's-helper handle. You have this much in common with him:
without the grace and help of your mothers, you'd both be wallowing in
the schadenfreude of others. After all, neither of you were Enron
Exec material, just a couple of misfit carpenters who built
"fall-down" fences and spackled termite holes in Fogland.
Finally, regarding what you call my own joy at John's recent misfortune, not
true. Believe what you will.
Albeit you were one that suffered many of those slings and arrows of
outrageous fortune, you were ever the study for chronic schadenfreude
yourself. I'll grant you this much: you were still always too kind to
your enemies, like the Chinese Jews who thanked you for "improving"
their rental property by raising your rent. "Sech a deal, Elva!"
It did draw you out from under your rock,
Watch it, Savoy Boy! For a Sardinian Dago, you're pushing the
envelope! IIRC, I first met you by overturning a mossy rock by the
name of Sally Higgins.
tho, and it's nice to know you got
my email about Lillian.
Never did. I have only two active email accounts; the rest have been
dead for some time, including the one listed above in the header.
Let's see.....
which of those 1001 email addresses was it?.......
"As I said,..." see above.
p.s. Is this properly bottom posted? I'm unschooled in the finer things,
Not to worry. I'm happy to help with netiquette when necessary. If
it helps, I'll even correct your spelling of "big words" like
"schadenfreude" (Dose Joiman Woids kin be zo hart tzu spill!).
and sometimes I need a little que.
Que sera, sera.... Did that help?
Bye the bye, loved your Slab City stuff, remind's me of
"WILD AT HEART". I think it was filmed in that area.
It is, indeed, a fit setting for a white trash romance. BTW, that's
where all the California hippies go to die, if they're lucky enough to
panhandle the gas money to get there. When John Nikar discovered the
bargain basement of Mexican whores, he left Canada for Slab City and
never returned. Every State should have a squatters ghetto, if only
to occupy unemployed sociologists. As an update on the Slabs, I
should point out that the website is somewhat dated. Desert Rat Dave
is now dead, as is Martha the Vindictive Bull Dyke (aka "The Cat
Lady"), from the usual female cancer. The senior snowbirds are
abandoning the place almost entirely to the drug and human cargo
smugglers welling up out of Mejico (pronounced: "May-Hee-Ko"). Ay!
Pinches narcotraficantes... como McCleary... no es verdad?

P.S. How is the West Nile Virus doing in your neck of the Florida

"Fuckin' internet!!"

~Tony Soprano
Robert Divale
2003-08-20 05:45:42 UTC
Post by HAL9000
Here's a little biscuit for those of you who pay too much
Whilst visiting on the Peninsula this June I learned that John had
off of a high deck in the Big Sur and broke something important. I think
leg, but to tell the truth, I wasn't paying that much attention to the
Let's just say he had a great fall.
Since I'm on the subject, what's up with all the interest in that
anyway? It's a tome completely unnecessary, not to say undocumented,
unsound, and uninformed.
Be that as it may, it's not the kind of thing one need dwell on. Just
John best of luck and hope he makes a million off of it.
[MAC]Clearly, all of the above lines wallow in "schadenfreude," except
for the final two, Robert. Be that as it may, it might still require
more than the last two sentences to compensate for this egregious
error. You could have at least compared Mac_Leary's *tome* to your
brother, Tulio's, novel: I LIVED INSIDE THE CAMPUS REVOLUTION, since
it covers the same historical (hysterical?)period and rewrites history
for its own ends. Regardless, it gave me a chuckle or two, as I
pictured you before your keyboard, wearing a wide, shit-eating grin.
Heh! As for McHumpty-Dumpty's fall, JohnBoy still has all of the
hippie's horses and all of the hippie's men to try and put the
MacEggMacMuffin back together again... They certainly have served a
useful purpose for our hippie guru at amazon.com, writing flattering
commentaries and aiding in the censoring of others that are not so
flattering. You should try your hand at a critique of his
*uninformed* art at Amazon yourself... no need to be objective.
As for the contrived plea in your final sentence above: "Best of
Luck, John, and I hope you make a million off of your marijuana
crops... and then get busted!"
P.S. Rumor has it that Lilian died of toxic shock... she loved to
smoke those Havana tampons, eh?
"As I said,..."
Thanks for not jumping on my mispelling of Schadenfreude, H.L., perhaps a
little gesture for old time's sake?
You're lucky that I didn't jump all over your "biscuit" metaphor.
Your present post appears to another "tidbit;" this one smothered with
schadenfreude-gravy instead of your usual salad of Asian wisdom (In my
mind, Confucious was still the Amy Vanderbilt of China).
Taking things in order of importance, I don't see the need to be
disrespectful towards Lillian, now that she's died an unpleasant and early
death. As I understand it, the cause was cancer.
Your "order of importance" is more heart than intellect. She was at
her best when first married to you. With Lorca on the scene, she
turned back into the Island Roach that she was, by birth and
upbringing. As with respect, disrespect commands its likeness. After
she cuckolded and dumped you, and later became a frothing, vindictive
harpy who found her true avocation working for a Collection Agency, it
only seems natural that it affirms my low opinion of Cubans,
Filipinos, and any cultural mixture thereof. Bye the bye, Sally's old
relation, Rochelle Higgins,(the one that married her first husband,
John) died recently from breast cancer, after a final few years as a
frothing, jew-baiting, flea market gorgon who planted bombs in Men's
restrooms throughout Santa Cruz county. She even did a number on
me... # 2, IIRC. The bitches are everywhere these days, Bob... be
careful out there.
As for my brother's work, it's his, both the good and the bad, and there is
quite a catalogue of work that has placed him among those at the top of his
Along with Margaret Mead and her Somoan fabrications?
I'm not about to defend his episode in the pay of J. Edgar
Hoover, or his confused politics.
"Good on You," as they say in New Zealand. Better to be affiliated
with the Sopranos than the FBI.
As for my opinion of John McCleary's dictionary, I've done all the reviewing
of it that I care to. I didn't see much about it that I approve of, although
I credit John for his tenacity.
I see him more as a deadbeat hippie, having little else of
significance to do with his insipid life.
I'll look at the Amazon reviews.
The best have been censored and deleted. Amazon.com is in the
business of selling books, it seems, not in search of truths.
It seems to me there is maybe a little envy on your part, H.L. If not, why
so many calories burned dissing the guy?
You might ask yourself the same question, Bob. Your response to my
posts are a "playing-off" of one against another. You never liked
McCleary yourself, but you never suffered as much slander at his hand
as I did. He needs a ream-job. I'm happy to supply the
without the grace and help of your mothers, you'd both be wallowing in
the schadenfreude of others. After all, neither of you were Enron
Exec material, just a couple of misfit carpenters who built
"fall-down" fences and spackled termite holes in Fogland.
Finally, regarding what you call my own joy at John's recent misfortune, not
true. Believe what you will.
Albeit you were one that suffered many of those slings and arrows of
outrageous fortune, you were ever the study for chronic schadenfreude
yourself. I'll grant you this much: you were still always too kind to
your enemies, like the Chinese Jews who thanked you for "improving"
their rental property by raising your rent. "Sech a deal, Elva!"
It did draw you out from under your rock,
Watch it, Savoy Boy! For a Sardinian Dago, you're pushing the
envelope! IIRC, I first met you by overturning a mossy rock by the
name of Sally Higgins.
tho, and it's nice to know you got
my email about Lillian.
Never did. I have only two active email accounts; the rest have been
dead for some time, including the one listed above in the header.
Let's see.....
which of those 1001 email addresses was it?.......
"As I said,..." see above.
p.s. Is this properly bottom posted? I'm unschooled in the finer things,
Not to worry. I'm happy to help with netiquette when necessary. If
it helps, I'll even correct your spelling of "big words" like
"schadenfreude" (Dose Joiman Woids kin be zo hart tzu spill!).
and sometimes I need a little que.
Que sera, sera.... Did that help?
Bye the bye, loved your Slab City stuff, remind's me of
"WILD AT HEART". I think it was filmed in that area.
It is, indeed, a fit setting for a white trash romance. BTW, that's
where all the California hippies go to die, if they're lucky enough to
panhandle the gas money to get there. When John Nikar discovered the
bargain basement of Mexican whores, he left Canada for Slab City and
never returned. Every State should have a squatters ghetto, if only
to occupy unemployed sociologists. As an update on the Slabs, I
should point out that the website is somewhat dated. Desert Rat Dave
is now dead, as is Martha the Vindictive Bull Dyke (aka "The Cat
Lady"), from the usual female cancer. The senior snowbirds are
abandoning the place almost entirely to the drug and human cargo
smugglers welling up out of Mejico (pronounced: "May-Hee-Ko"). Ay!
Pinches narcotraficantes... como McCleary... no es verdad?
P.S. How is the West Nile Virus doing in your neck of the Florida
"Fuckin' internet!!"
~Tony Soprano
I thought Tony Soprano's famous line was " Turn that thing off! Those
cookies make me nervous."
And right he is.

I have to take issue with you on one thing: I don't build "fall down
fences". My fences are built to last.
I have a couple of custom jobs out front, here at my palatial diggs in the
steamy tropics. I built them as a recovery project, with the wire stitches
still holding me together, minus a perfectly good kidney, give or take a
cancerous add on, just because I'm a bad motherfucker.

I recently saw a nice little pickett number, just off Sinex, accross from
some duplex that Gayle King and that Skin and Bones Elvira chic once lived
in, built about 25 years ago.
I'd guess the Peninsula is still teeming with fences I built.
I don't know about John's....

Stayed a couple days at Sally's, (after Linda Paschini threw me out in a
screaming rage!) spent a couple evenings renewing my acquaintance with ex
girlfriend Susan, saw the lovely Michele, sat on Lover's Pt. beach, saw
George there. 59 degrees in June, what a wonderful change of pace. Here in
"paradise" it's "hot as hell" right now, tho they say in hell at least it's
a nice, dry heat.

I learned that Ramon Oliver has taken the big coffee
break, about 7 years ago, after some dozen years of retirement, living with
his son Dave and family.

Stopped by Phil Mason's where a scab painter said he'd never heard of Phil.
Incredible how many people haven't left, or changed much for that matter,
just moved to different mildew colonies.

Are you still a snowbird, or is proximity to TJ a permanent part of your
lifestyle now?
John R Pierce
2003-08-27 03:30:15 UTC
Never sell your computer with the hard drive left intact!
DBAN is your friend.
2003-08-29 01:55:10 UTC
Post by John R Pierce
Never sell your computer with the hard drive left intact!
DBAN is your friend.
Unless, of course, DBAN is software_business_front for John AssCraft & Co.

Download with discretion.
Bob Divale
2003-08-30 00:21:06 UTC
Post by John R Pierce
Never sell your computer with the hard drive left intact!
DBAN is your friend.
Thanks. Anytime one can Nuke one's hard drive, well, I can see the
possible need.
Just learned of another, a new freebie called Disk Zapper safe 1.0
that you can
download to a CD and save for that knock on the door...
I just downloaded SpyBot, and found a couple of parasites I was aware
of but unsure if they were something that "belonged" or not. I nuked
Bob Divale
2003-08-27 04:00:14 UTC
Post by Robert Divale
I thought Tony Soprano's famous line was " Turn that thing off! Those
cookies make me nervous."
And right he is.
Wire Tapping has never been so efficient as it has since the advent of
the WWW. Never sell your computer with the hard drive left intact!
Post by Robert Divale
I have to take issue with you on one thing: I don't build "fall down
fences". My fences are built to last.
I have a couple of custom jobs out front, here at my palatial diggs in the
steamy tropics. I built them as a recovery project, with the wire stitches
still holding me together, minus a perfectly good kidney, give or take a
cancerous add on, just because I'm a bad motherfucker.
Sorry... about the kidney as well as the fence reference. I had
forgotten that it was "J_Mac" that built that engineered atrocity for
Fisherman Phil, before it collapsed it the first rainstorm thereafter.
Granted, you always were so much more the talanted builder...
somewhat funky... yet talented. However, the landscape job you did to
your front yard on David Avenue left much to be desired. Still and
all, you outshone "S & M" landscape services by a long shot.
Post by Robert Divale
I recently saw a nice little pickett number, just off Sinex, accross from
some duplex that Gayle King and that Skin and Bones Elvira chic once lived
in, built about 25 years ago.
I'd guess the Peninsula is still teeming with fences I built.
I don't know about John's....
How 'bout Leonard's? Or is he in a different kind of "fencing"
business these days?
Post by Robert Divale
Stayed a couple days at Sally's, (after Linda Paschini threw me out in a
screaming rage!)
LOL! In my book, Linda was always a hard-headed woman of few words
(albeit abrasive ones... "Get a Job!" comes to mind).
Post by Robert Divale
spent a couple evenings renewing my acquaintance with ex
girlfriend Susan,
I don't remember her... Say, do you recognize the post mortem-faced
This was taken a few before you porked her in PG, and pissed-off that
Suburban-Spic-Jew-Heroin-pusher, Frank Leon. "Eight times that night,
and four the next morning," you said. Heh, heh, heh...*Sweet "sleazy"
Lorraine.* Rumor has it that her ol' buddy, Gayle McFartney, got AIDS
from Dennis Sutton and retired to San Leandro to die along the bay.
Post by Robert Divale
saw the lovely Michele,
Lovely? Swarthy, buck-toothed Ruskie-Jew, I'd say!
Post by Robert Divale
sat on Lover's Pt. beach, saw
George there.
George Kleist??????
Post by Robert Divale
59 degrees in June, what a wonderful change of pace. Here in
"paradise" it's "hot as hell" right now, tho they say in hell at least it's
a nice, dry heat.
Southern Cal has been muggy and hot, more than usual this summer.
Mexican gangbangers are doing their drive-by shootings in excess of
recent years, accordingly.
Post by Robert Divale
I learned that Ramon Oliver has taken the big coffee
break, about 7 years ago, after some dozen years of retirement, living with
his son Dave and family.
Let's see... I think you're telling me that he died, right? Poor
Oliver. He never got that extra bowl of porridge he so richly
deserved. He only married once, and the wrong woman at that. He got
laid by her enough to make little David, before he got bounced... she
kept the house, naturally. The Oliver family has become "history" in
Monterey, although Bob Oliver is still politically active and
aggravates certain of its citizenry.
Post by Robert Divale
Stopped by Phil Mason's where a scab painter said he'd never heard of Phil.
Incredible how many people haven't left, or changed much for that matter,
just moved to different mildew colonies.
Mason either succumbed to a bad liver or took advantage of the spiked
realty values on a limited land mass and bailed back to Oregon.
After he got his "gubmint" job and smuggler connections, he changed
enough to lose my trust and friendship.
Post by Robert Divale
Are you still a snowbird, or is proximity to TJ a permanent part of your
lifestyle now?
Funny that you would ask, while I'm presently out and about on my most
recent "photo-journal sojourn." As for proximity to TJ... that would
more likely be Los Angeles than San Diego. California is now grossly
over-populated with Turd World roaches from south of the border.
"Mexifornia," some call it now. A political back-lash is about to put
the Terminator in office. Better a Mensch than a Mechisto, I guess...
As for snowbirding...How's the weather in Naples, FLA??
"We're livin' in times/When men commit crimes/And crime don't have a
~The *other* Bobby D., "Oh Mercy" Album

I sure hope Hal9000 is kidding about Gayle ( I had her last name wrong
in my previous post). That would certainly be a terrible thing if
And as for that mug shot allegedly of Sweet Lorraine, I don't believe
it, say it ain't so! By the way, that was 4 times at night and 4 times
the next morning, a feat we matched a number of times. ( And one I
never equaled before of since, hence all credit to Lorraine.)
I was just thinking about her, maybe yesterday, might have been today,
and all the laughs we had together...she would take a sip of her wine,
take a drag off her Kool, look at me, blow the smoke in my face, and
say "you fool!!"
Of course, I made her pay, again and again and again and again! Whew!
I'm tired already!

My gardening is as eclectic as ever, and I'll save it for another
post, By the way, this is the second time I'm typing this, Google
disappeared the first one before I could post it, ( I wanted a preview
but I got a net loss instead), so, if it pops up, it has some national
suck-curity secrets that I'm leaving out of this one, just pretend you
didn't see it.

Is the locale of your latest photo-journalism trip a secret too, or
can you talk about it? I always thought the Tijuana bull ring would
produce some interesting pics, especially outside. Is Plaza Monumental
still the spot? I would guess El Toreo is long gone, if only from
termites. In Plaza Monumental I once saw the journeyman crowdpleaser
Pepe Luis Vazquez take ears, hoof and tail from a gray toro of a
certain ranch, can't remember which.
Then there was the great Carlos Aruza, worlds greatest Bandillero,
killed in his retirement, crossing the street in L.A.

That fucking Linda is completely insane. After maintaining a frienship
with her these many years she threw me as just another log, onto the
fire of her hatred for Sally; a 35 year old blaze that shows no sign
of dying out.
I made the mistake of observing that things had worked out for the
best, what with her and Leonard being together all this time. That's
all it took to send her back into her own personal hell, and rather
than take this latest of who knows how many opportunities to get over
it, she dug in her heels and screamed and raged at me, as I chuckled
at the irony, not being able to get a word in as she careened down the
path to total meltdown. Of course my helpless chuckleing only fueled
her rage, proving to her that I was in on the conspiracy, me and Sally
conspiring these 35 years, just for the hell of it!
At first I was stunned and saddened, now I don't even feel sorry for

"No matter what I do it turns out to be the wrong thing", if I may
quote myself...

I almost forgot, Michele was radiant.
2003-08-28 20:32:55 UTC
Post by Bob Divale
I sure hope Hal9000 is kidding about Gayle ( I had her last name wrong
in my previous post). That would certainly be a terrible thing if
In view of this, I'm not sure whether you're talking about Pat Nolan's
second wife, the hawk-faced former "Cheap Thrills" entrepreneur, or
the pus-faced dirty blonde from Sacramento.
Post by Bob Divale
And as for that mug shot allegedly of Sweet Lorraine, I don't believe
it, say it ain't so! By the way, that was 4 times at night and 4 times
the next morning, a feat we matched a number of times. ( And one I
never equaled before of since, hence all credit to Lorraine.)
I was just thinking about her, maybe yesterday, might have been today,
and all the laughs we had together...she would take a sip of her wine,
take a drag off her Kool, look at me, blow the smoke in my face, and
say "you fool!!"
"His [read "Bob's"] pants are sooo short!" she once said to me,
sometime before I pimped her to you. heh, heh, heh... always the
fashion-conscious Carmelite; the farmer's daughter who got even with
[Big]Daddy by screwing Mexicans. BTW, the "fool" line was probably
borrowed from her stint as a high school actress in "Cat On A Hot Tin
Roof." But she ain't no Maggie by a long shot! As for the 4 X 4...
Happy that I helped a "starving artist" out. Did you ever finish
painting that garish portrait of her that you started in your studio
behind Tom's Cafe? She looked like the wreck of the Hesparas, IIRC.
Post by Bob Divale
Of course, I made her pay, again and again and again and again! Whew!
I'm tired already!
You fool!!
Post by Bob Divale
My gardening is as eclectic as ever, and I'll save it for another
post, By the way, this is the second time I'm typing this, Google
disappeared the first one before I could post it, ( I wanted a preview
but I got a net loss instead), so, if it pops up, it has some national
suck-curity secrets that I'm leaving out of this one, just pretend you
didn't see it.
Too bad for the rest of us if it's been lost to the ether. Tsk, tsk.
Next time, copy and paste your masterpieces to file as you go. Having
to rewrite history is a pain in the ass!
Post by Bob Divale
Is the locale of your latest photo-journalism trip a secret too, or
can you talk about it?
It's a secret to most, not including the FBI or California's Law
Enforcement agencies. Seems I'm a "person of interest" and have been
for some time. A BLM agent, accompanied by an FBI rookie, paid me a
visit whilst I was staying at the Baltic Inn in the Hysterical Gas
Lamp District of San Diego back in 2000. Someone had either claimed
that I was making bomb threats, or these "agents provocateurs" were
using the claim (and their "showing up") as merely a means of
intimidation. Just for kicks, I gave them a web page that I had
devised with links to all my other scurrilous web pages. They haven't
bothered me since, apparently just keeping a line on me to track down
other persons of interest... needless to say, I'm giving my enemies a
run for their money... Dope dealers, wetbacks, and other criminals
Post by Bob Divale
I always thought the Tijuana bull ring would
produce some interesting pics, especially outside. Is Plaza Monumental
still the spot? I would guess El Toreo is long gone, if only from
termites. In Plaza Monumental I once saw the journeyman crowdpleaser
Pepe Luis Vazquez take ears, hoof and tail from a gray toro of a
certain ranch, can't remember which.
Then there was the great Carlos Aruza, worlds greatest Bandillero,
killed in his retirement, crossing the street in L.A.
There is nothing in TJ that intrigues me enough to visit that toilet,
albeit I have sauntered across the border a couple of times or so to
grab an espresso on Avenida de RevoluciĆ³n and gawk at the turistas
shopping the Turd World shops. BTW, "BOB's BEEG BOY" in TJ was a
favorite hang-out for the Arellano-Felix melange for a while...
doesn't that make you happy? I was always greeted by the usual dozens
of ten year old pimps on my way to and "del centro de Tijuana":
"Oye, Meester! Ju wanna buy my Seester for Feeftee senz?"
Post by Bob Divale
That fucking Linda is completely insane. After maintaining a frienship
with her these many years she threw me as just another log, onto the
fire of her hatred for Sally; a 35 year old blaze that shows no sign
of dying out.
If I had my druthers, I choose Linda over Sally any day for
friendship... fortunately, I don't have my druthers and don't have to
Post by Bob Divale
I made the mistake of observing that things had worked out for the
best, what with her and Leonard being together all this time. That's
all it took to send her back into her own personal hell, and rather
than take this latest of who knows how many opportunities to get over
it, she dug in her heels and screamed and raged at me, as I chuckled
at the irony, not being able to get a word in as she careened down the
path to total meltdown. Of course my helpless chuckleing only fueled
her rage, proving to her that I was in on the conspiracy, me and Sally
conspiring these 35 years, just for the hell of it!
Well, you know, Bob, Sally "IS" conspiratorial as hell. Guilt by
Association was sure to be your downfall in that regard.
Post by Bob Divale
At first I was stunned and saddened, now I don't even feel sorry for
You'll get over it. You're always the friend for life... "You fool!"
Post by Bob Divale
"No matter what I do it turns out to be the wrong thing", if I may
quote myself...
"Bob will have your little mess cleaned up in no time!" [AccountTemps
Post by Bob Divale
I almost forgot, Michele was radiant.
Well, you know, the DEA claims to have found massive amounts of
uranium in Crack in the USA... Time for another kind of Recall?

P.S. Early tomorrow morn, I'll be hoisting anchor again and sailing
for sharkey waters. I'll get back to you from a public terminal
somewhere in Santa Cruz or San Mateo County... Ta ta.......
Post by Bob Divale
"Have you seen Bob *DuVal*?"
~Sally Higgins, 1978 [she must have taken you to be a French Jew]
Bob Divale
2003-08-30 01:38:55 UTC
Post by HAL9000
Post by Bob Divale
I sure hope Hal9000 is kidding about Gayle ( I had her last name wrong
in my previous post). That would certainly be a terrible thing if
In view of this, I'm not sure whether you're talking about Pat Nolan's
second wife, the hawk-faced former "Cheap Thrills" entrepreneur, or
the pus-faced dirty blonde from Sacramento.
Post by Bob Divale
And as for that mug shot allegedly of Sweet Lorraine, I don't believe
it, say it ain't so! By the way, that was 4 times at night and 4 times
the next morning, a feat we matched a number of times. ( And one I
never equaled before of since, hence all credit to Lorraine.)
I was just thinking about her, maybe yesterday, might have been today,
and all the laughs we had together...she would take a sip of her wine,
take a drag off her Kool, look at me, blow the smoke in my face, and
say "you fool!!"
"His [read "Bob's"] pants are sooo short!" she once said to me,
sometime before I pimped her to you. heh, heh, heh... always the
fashion-conscious Carmelite; the farmer's daughter who got even with
[Big]Daddy by screwing Mexicans. BTW, the "fool" line was probably
borrowed from her stint as a high school actress in "Cat On A Hot Tin
Roof." But she ain't no Maggie by a long shot! As for the 4 X 4...
Happy that I helped a "starving artist" out. Did you ever finish
painting that garish portrait of her that you started in your studio
behind Tom's Cafe? She looked like the wreck of the Hesparas, IIRC.
Post by Bob Divale
Of course, I made her pay, again and again and again and again! Whew!
I'm tired already!
You fool!!
Post by Bob Divale
My gardening is as eclectic as ever, and I'll save it for another
post, By the way, this is the second time I'm typing this, Google
disappeared the first one before I could post it, ( I wanted a preview
but I got a net loss instead), so, if it pops up, it has some national
suck-curity secrets that I'm leaving out of this one, just pretend you
didn't see it.
Too bad for the rest of us if it's been lost to the ether. Tsk, tsk.
Next time, copy and paste your masterpieces to file as you go. Having
to rewrite history is a pain in the ass!
Post by Bob Divale
Is the locale of your latest photo-journalism trip a secret too, or
can you talk about it?
It's a secret to most, not including the FBI or California's Law
Enforcement agencies. Seems I'm a "person of interest" and have been
for some time. A BLM agent, accompanied by an FBI rookie, paid me a
visit whilst I was staying at the Baltic Inn in the Hysterical Gas
Lamp District of San Diego back in 2000. Someone had either claimed
that I was making bomb threats, or these "agents provocateurs" were
using the claim (and their "showing up") as merely a means of
intimidation. Just for kicks, I gave them a web page that I had
devised with links to all my other scurrilous web pages. They haven't
bothered me since, apparently just keeping a line on me to track down
other persons of interest... needless to say, I'm giving my enemies a
run for their money... Dope dealers, wetbacks, and other criminals
Post by Bob Divale
I always thought the Tijuana bull ring would
produce some interesting pics, especially outside. Is Plaza Monumental
still the spot? I would guess El Toreo is long gone, if only from
termites. In Plaza Monumental I once saw the journeyman crowdpleaser
Pepe Luis Vazquez take ears, hoof and tail from a gray toro of a
certain ranch, can't remember which.
Then there was the great Carlos Aruza, worlds greatest Bandillero,
killed in his retirement, crossing the street in L.A.
There is nothing in TJ that intrigues me enough to visit that toilet,
albeit I have sauntered across the border a couple of times or so to
grab an espresso on Avenida de RevoluciĆ³n and gawk at the turistas
shopping the Turd World shops. BTW, "BOB's BEEG BOY" in TJ was a
favorite hang-out for the Arellano-Felix melange for a while...
doesn't that make you happy? I was always greeted by the usual dozens
"Oye, Meester! Ju wanna buy my Seester for Feeftee senz?"
Post by Bob Divale
That fucking Linda is completely insane. After maintaining a frienship
with her these many years she threw me as just another log, onto the
fire of her hatred for Sally; a 35 year old blaze that shows no sign
of dying out.
If I had my druthers, I choose Linda over Sally any day for
friendship... fortunately, I don't have my druthers and don't have to
Post by Bob Divale
I made the mistake of observing that things had worked out for the
best, what with her and Leonard being together all this time. That's
all it took to send her back into her own personal hell, and rather
than take this latest of who knows how many opportunities to get over
it, she dug in her heels and screamed and raged at me, as I chuckled
at the irony, not being able to get a word in as she careened down the
path to total meltdown. Of course my helpless chuckleing only fueled
her rage, proving to her that I was in on the conspiracy, me and Sally
conspiring these 35 years, just for the hell of it!
Well, you know, Bob, Sally "IS" conspiratorial as hell. Guilt by
Association was sure to be your downfall in that regard.
Post by Bob Divale
At first I was stunned and saddened, now I don't even feel sorry for
You'll get over it. You're always the friend for life... "You fool!"
Post by Bob Divale
"No matter what I do it turns out to be the wrong thing", if I may
quote myself...
"Bob will have your little mess cleaned up in no time!" [AccountTemps
Post by Bob Divale
I almost forgot, Michele was radiant.
Well, you know, the DEA claims to have found massive amounts of
uranium in Crack in the USA... Time for another kind of Recall?
P.S. Early tomorrow morn, I'll be hoisting anchor again and sailing
for sharkey waters. I'll get back to you from a public terminal
somewhere in Santa Cruz or San Mateo County... Ta ta.......
Post by Bob Divale
"Have you seen Bob *DuVal*?"
~Sally Higgins, 1978 [she must have taken you to be a French Jew]
Geez, I feel left out; Madonna got to lay a sloppy one on Britney and
Christina, and all I got was to hear these TV morons complaining about
it all day! Speaking for myself, I'm not outraged or disgusted, I'm
If Christina and Britney only knew about my 4x4 past they'd be coming
around, I'm certain. Christina would have to go blond and skinny
again, tho....
Which leads right in to my point, I was never a French Jew, but always
a Black Italian. I never tire of reminding my 85 yr. old mother, when
she degenerates into making racial slurs of a general nature,that the
the Moors made it into Italy. she never responds, just takes another
gulp of the life-giving Dago Red,
then I go home!
With skinny in mind, Hal_9000 never answered my question: is that
really Sweet Lorraine? If so, what did she do? DUI?
Gayle MacCartney was the Gayle I had in mind in all postings. Gail
King is the girl I introduced to Pat Nolan. Gail West is the onetime
Sex Object to that sleazebag R.Crumb. Gail Whiteman, well that's
another story.......
On the other hand, 3 out of 4 ain't bad for a guy whose pants were so
Back to My Darlin' Lorraine, last I spoke to her she was living in
Sonora, having the usual disaster of a personal life, ( she told me
all about it), and to think, I could have let her come back, maybe try
for five by five, but no, as usual I had to do the right thing, I was
already going with Lillian, and it wouldn't have been fair........(
this was before she left P.G.)She was in Sonora
circa 1980, Lillian and I had fallen apart, and Gayle Mc. had told me
her whereabouts, so I called.
I did see an L Mc. in the phone book when I was in Mty, but didn't
want to be a nuisance...
I would appreciate a little good behavior on the part of Hal_9000,
since I let that out: if you call, be nice.
Don't make me come out there...

What the hell's wrong with this world? They arrested the stripper mom!
Why not just let her strip and fugget aboud it?
Reminds me, I got in trouble w/ the pc police whilst in Mty. They need
to loosen up out there in California. What the fuck? Have a few
laughs, it's easier than getting pissed off.
Did I mention the great Wally Devlin has died? Last month at Hospice
of Monterey.
It's all about them cigarettes...I did the math, I smoked a pack a day
for 35 years, comes to 1/4 million butts. I have a feeling that if one
does anything a quarter million times they're asking for some bad
Well, if Lorraine and I did the deed 1/4 million....I guess some
things are worth dying for.
2003-09-03 01:22:49 UTC
Post by Bob Divale
Geez, I feel left out; Madonna got to lay a sloppy one on Britney and
Christina, and all I got was to hear these TV morons complaining
about it all day! Speaking for myself, I'm not outraged or disgusted,
I'm jealous!
If Christina and Britney only knew about my 4x4 past they'd be coming
around, I'm certain. Christina would have to go blond and skinny
again, tho....
Lucky you; I postponed my trip until tomorrow morning, to avoid the
Labor Day morass... Well, speaking of "more ass," my comment to the
above "bogs" down as follows:

Let's see now... A bleached-blonde Dago with Schwartzenegger's front
teeth, a masculine body tone, and a proclivity to fuck cross-dressing
NBA darkies (not to mention her right-wing-capitalist attitude toward
napster-downloaders); another blonde bimbo with 4-pack abs, a dancing
style that resembles MC Hammer, and a singing voice that only a valley
girl would die for; lastly, an emaciated, glorified Mouseketeer with a
serious flatulence problem... I don't think that I want to go where
this might take me. Trust me, Bob, save your 4X4 for something
better, perhaps a thin-lipped, horny spinster at your friendly local
public library.
Post by Bob Divale
Which leads right in to my point, I was never a French Jew, but
always a Black Italian. I never tire of reminding my 85 yr. old
mother, when she degenerates into making racial slurs of a general
nature,that the the Moors made it into Italy. she never responds,
just takes another gulp of the life-giving Dago Red,
then I go home!
Sounds like your mom's got it together... What happened to you? BTW,
tell her that she got out of Monrovia in the nick of time. The Turd
World is now swiftly moving northward across Foothill boulevard and
occupying the foothills with a vengeance. The old Masonic (Moose?)
building at Acacia and Foothill is swarming with wetbacks during
hispanic festivities. Ralph's Pavilion market is becoming another
ghetto convenience store for shoplifters. I pity the old retired
vintage American stock of citizenry in their few remaining years. My
old friend, Alex, died in '96. He was 87 at the time. He left me a
specific bequest for an insignificant amount, but the bulk of his
estate went directly to his political enemies... seems blood *is*
thicker than water, after all. In this regard, you're fortunate to
know that what might be left when your mother passes on won't be going
to the United Negro College Fund or MALDEF... Count your blessings!
Post by Bob Divale
With skinny in mind, Hal_9000 never answered my question: is that
really Sweet Lorraine?
Post by Bob Divale
If so, what did she do? DUI?
I downloaded the mug shot from the carmellife.com web site a few years
ago. Who knows, it might still be hidden somewhere online in the
archives. The page included two other Monterey PD mug shots of
wayward hippie teens from Carmel, and a text description of the
booking information. It seems that Monterey PD was cleaning house on
old files and very stupidly dumped these photo files and other things
of interest into a dumpster behind the station. Somebody, obviously,
went dumpster diving and recovered some interesting bits of local
Peninsula history. The booking information on Lorraine that was
revealed online failed to mention some personal details (thanks to an
email from a social enemy of hers, I acquired more detailed info).
She was arrested for reckless driving and causing a serious auto
accident. Apparently, she was under the influence at the time of the
incident (ACID?), but the report failed to mention how the accident
came about. This is where the "Mexican" comes in. It seems that
McDonough was just driving along when suddenly that
Dope_dealing_scumbag, Frank Leon, appeared. He was driving his dark
gray Rover by her, with his girlfriend (New wife?) inside his car.
Needless to say, Lorraine was tweeked by this sudden revelation, and
failed to pay attention to her driving. If she had been just one more
Monterey Coke whore, getting her fix by blowing Frankie from time to
time, it wouldn't have brought about the accident. But, apparently,
she bought more than one line of shit from him (payment by lipservice)
and became infatuated. Tsk, tsk. Lorraine was to later be ordered by
the Monterey Court to pay restitution for body and property damage
that she caused, thanks to Frankie. It took her years to pay it all
off in installments. Naturally, when later she worked a cocktail slut
in a Tahoe casino, she loaned Leon $700 bucks, which he never paid
back... heh, heh, heh... and to think: she called *You* a "fool!"
Post by Bob Divale
Gayle MacCartney was the Gayle I had in mind in all postings. Gail
King is the girl I introduced to Pat Nolan. Gail West is the onetime
Sex Object to that sleazebag R.Crumb. Gail Whiteman, well that's
another story.......
I saw McCartney walking along an aisle at the SkyView Drive-in Flea
Market in Santa Cruz back in the early 90's. She didn't look too
good. She was wearing jeans over a pudgy butt and had a reddish,
pustulant complexion. She sorta/kinda came across as a Tanya Harding
Look-alike. At the time, I didn't realize that Sherri Gronnle was a
regular vendor at that market. Gronnle is another dirtbag fleamarket
Irish-Jew (and comrade at arms in the Monterey Bay Gorgon Brigade),
specializing in bilking people out of their family heirlooms... mostly
jewelry (What is it with Jews and Jewelry?? Something to do with the
"Jew" in "Jewelry?") Also, Marcia Martins was the manager there... I'm
sure Marcia remembered me from when she and her butt-fucked beau lived
next door to me in PG. Her buddy, Steve Getz, used to harass me a
lot, from a distance. Finally one day, I went after the little
pock-faced Jew bastard. Typical of low-life white trash with rap
sheets, he called the cops on me. For payback, I called his landlady
(Vera Franklin) and got him evicted... ha ha ha ha... His old
dope-dealing buddy, Stuart Witt, is now living with his mother in a
trailer park in San Diego County. He has a TRO out against him for
threatening Debra Scott and her brood of mestizos... The more things
change, the more they stay the same, no? One of these days, I might
just put my fist up all of their asses. Fortunately, some of the
cunts in this melange have already succumbed to feminism and other
terminal female diseases. So many of them seem to have a goal of
destroying men from their past, before twat-rot mestastasizes to their
cerebral cortex. I wish them all the best slow death available at
prevailing market rates.

Gail Nolan and Gail West both belong somewhere in McCleary's Hippie
Dictionary... No photos please! And Gail Whiteman? Jeez, could she
drink! That was a brief affair for you, wasn't it? And, oh, thanks
for taking her off my hands. Heh!
Post by Bob Divale
On the other hand, 3 out of 4 ain't bad for a guy whose pants were so
Back to My Darlin' Lorraine, last I spoke to her she was living in
Sonora, having the usual disaster of a personal life, ( she told me
all about it), and to think, I could have let her come back, maybe
try for five by five, but no, as usual I had to do the right thing, I
was already going with Lillian, and it wouldn't have been
fair........(this was before she left P.G.)She was in Sonora
circa 1980, Lillian and I had fallen apart, and Gayle Mc. had told me
her whereabouts, so I called.
I did see an L Mc. in the phone book when I was in Mty, but didn't
want to be a nuisance...
Ah, yes, good ol' Sonora, CA. So many of Monterey's white trash
migrated there. Those with a particular interest in "crop growing"
especially. I lived for the better part of a summer near there,
placer-mining the Merced River for gold at McCabe Flat on BLM land.
This was probably the origin of my negative data base with the BLM.
The Crop growers up there are paranoid, and start campaigns of slander
against any and all they distrust... i.e. anybody that doesn't belong
to their marijuana coalition. The local yokal hippies, rednecks, and
the progeny thereof, have more than earned my enmity. Nearby Sonora
isn't much better. It has a substantial welfare/junkie population.
Tuolumne City (when I visited) was just a colony of misfits, lying
about in the central public park all day... two liquor stores average
per square city block. Bay Area biker scum abound up there. Anita
Lyons (aka "Marie") moved up to those parts, splitting her time
between running flea markets in Jamestown, Sonora, and Monterey. That
kind of social milieu breeds the likes of Carey Stayners and Hells
Angels wannabes. I have a hard time picturing McDonough in that kind
of setting. McCartney for sure... but McDonough? Nah! It must have
been short-lived. The Sierra foothills must have been the blueprint
for the "new" West Sonoma County. Check out my posts at
sonoma.general sometime.
Post by Bob Divale
I would appreciate a little good behavior on the part of Hal_9000,
since I let that out: if you call, be nice.
Don't make me come out there...
I'm not easily intimidated... well, maybe I am sometimes... but sure
to react, accordingly!
Post by Bob Divale
What the hell's wrong with this world? They arrested the stripper
mom! Why not just let her strip and fugget aboud it?
Anyone I know?
Post by Bob Divale
Reminds me, I got in trouble w/ the pc police whilst in Mty. They
need to loosen up out there in California. What the fuck? Have a few
laughs, it's easier than getting pissed off.
California has developed a serious case of PC diarrhea. Don't expect
things to improve until sometime after the coming social wars, after
all those who haven't left (or can't leave) reach critical mass.
Check out Tim May's posts at scruz.general or ba.mountain-folk for
more on this.
Post by Bob Divale
Did I mention the great Wally Devlin has died? Last month at Hospice
of Monterey.
I remember Wally well. A bohemian spirit. He and his girlfriend
(Country Joe McDonald's first wife) stayed with me when I house-sat
for you one summer... remember? I remember him complaining about the
rednecks in San Luis Obispo County. I have since that time
experienced what he must have meant. The world seemed to be closing
in on him at the time. Perhaps he died not a moment too soon. Things
aren't getting any better for free spirits in California, only worse.
Post by Bob Divale
It's all about them cigarettes...I did the math, I smoked a pack a
day for 35 years, comes to 1/4 million butts. I have a feeling that
if one does anything a quarter million times they're asking for some
bad shit.
Aw, shaddup, and buy yourself a pack of Karma Cigs! Oh, I forgot, you
always rolled your own. Those "tailor-made" cancer sticks didn't seem
to suit your fancy. And what about your grass habit... does the weed
still "take the edge" off of the downside of life for you?
Post by Bob Divale
Well, if Lorraine and I did the deed 1/4 million....I guess some
things are worth dying for.
Enough about Lorraine! It's time for a reality check: She's probably
going through menopause, having hot flashes, weighs 350 lbs now, has a
fear of the klingons around uranus, and a case of genital herpes to
boot. What's more, she's probably still in love with that scrawny,
shit-faced trafficker, Frank Leon... even if he has died in his
mother's donkey-bordello in TJ!


"I can't seem to get the keys in my ig-nition..."

~Neil Young, "Roll Another Number For the Road"

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