2003-08-19 15:55:21 UTC
Here's a little biscuit for those of you who pay too much
Whilst visiting on the Peninsula this June I learned that John had
Whilst visiting on the Peninsula this June I learned that John had
off of a high deck in the Big Sur and broke something important. I think
leg, but to tell the truth, I wasn't paying that much attention to the
Let's just say he had a great fall.
Since I'm on the subject, what's up with all the interest in that
Let's just say he had a great fall.
Since I'm on the subject, what's up with all the interest in that
anyway? It's a tome completely unnecessary, not to say undocumented,
unsound, and uninformed.
Be that as it may, it's not the kind of thing one need dwell on. Just
unsound, and uninformed.
Be that as it may, it's not the kind of thing one need dwell on. Just
John best of luck and hope he makes a million off of it.
[MAC]Clearly, all of the above lines wallow in "schadenfreude," exceptfor the final two, Robert. Be that as it may, it might still require
more than the last two sentences to compensate for this egregious
error. You could have at least compared Mac_Leary's *tome* to your
brother, Tulio's, novel: I LIVED INSIDE THE CAMPUS REVOLUTION, since
it covers the same historical (hysterical?)period and rewrites history
for its own ends. Regardless, it gave me a chuckle or two, as I
pictured you before your keyboard, wearing a wide, shit-eating grin.
Heh! As for McHumpty-Dumpty's fall, JohnBoy still has all of the
hippie's horses and all of the hippie's men to try and put the
MacEggMacMuffin back together again... They certainly have served a
useful purpose for our hippie guru at amazon.com, writing flattering
commentaries and aiding in the censoring of others that are not so
flattering. You should try your hand at a critique of his
*uninformed* art at Amazon yourself... no need to be objective.
As for the contrived plea in your final sentence above: "Best of
Luck, John, and I hope you make a million off of your marijuana
crops... and then get busted!"
P.S. Rumor has it that Lilian died of toxic shock... she loved to
smoke those Havana tampons, eh?
"As I said,..."
little gesture for old time's sake?
Your present post appears to another "tidbit;" this one smothered with
schadenfreude-gravy instead of your usual salad of Asian wisdom (In my
mind, Confucious was still the Amy Vanderbilt of China).
Taking things in order of importance, I don't see the need to be
disrespectful towards Lillian, now that she's died an unpleasant and early
death. As I understand it, the cause was cancer.
Your "order of importance" is more heart than intellect. She was atdisrespectful towards Lillian, now that she's died an unpleasant and early
death. As I understand it, the cause was cancer.
her best when first married to you. With Lorca on the scene, she
turned back into the Island Roach that she was, by birth and
upbringing. As with respect, disrespect commands its likeness. After
she cuckolded and dumped you, and later became a frothing, vindictive
harpy who found her true avocation working for a Collection Agency, it
only seems natural that it affirms my low opinion of Cubans,
Filipinos, and any cultural mixture thereof. Bye the bye, Sally's old
relation, Rochelle Higgins,(the one that married her first husband,
John) died recently from breast cancer, after a final few years as a
frothing, jew-baiting, flea market gorgon who planted bombs in Men's
restrooms throughout Santa Cruz county. She even did a number on
me... # 2, IIRC. The bitches are everywhere these days, Bob... be
careful out there.
As for my brother's work, it's his, both the good and the bad, and there is
quite a catalogue of work that has placed him among those at the top of his
Along with Margaret Mead and her Somoan fabrications?quite a catalogue of work that has placed him among those at the top of his
I'm not about to defend his episode in the pay of J. Edgar
Hoover, or his confused politics.
"Good on You," as they say in New Zealand. Better to be affiliatedHoover, or his confused politics.
with the Sopranos than the FBI.
As for my opinion of John McCleary's dictionary, I've done all the reviewing
of it that I care to. I didn't see much about it that I approve of, although
I credit John for his tenacity.
I see him more as a deadbeat hippie, having little else ofof it that I care to. I didn't see much about it that I approve of, although
I credit John for his tenacity.
significance to do with his insipid life.
I'll look at the Amazon reviews.
The best have been censored and deleted. Amazon.com is in thebusiness of selling books, it seems, not in search of truths.
It seems to me there is maybe a little envy on your part, H.L. If not, why
so many calories burned dissing the guy?
You might ask yourself the same question, Bob. Your response to myso many calories burned dissing the guy?
posts are a "playing-off" of one against another. You never liked
McCleary yourself, but you never suffered as much slander at his hand
as I did. He needs a ream-job. I'm happy to supply the
plumber's-helper handle. You have this much in common with him:
without the grace and help of your mothers, you'd both be wallowing in
the schadenfreude of others. After all, neither of you were Enron
Exec material, just a couple of misfit carpenters who built
"fall-down" fences and spackled termite holes in Fogland.
Finally, regarding what you call my own joy at John's recent misfortune, not
true. Believe what you will.
Albeit you were one that suffered many of those slings and arrows oftrue. Believe what you will.
outrageous fortune, you were ever the study for chronic schadenfreude
yourself. I'll grant you this much: you were still always too kind to
your enemies, like the Chinese Jews who thanked you for "improving"
their rental property by raising your rent. "Sech a deal, Elva!"
It did draw you out from under your rock,
Watch it, Savoy Boy! For a Sardinian Dago, you're pushing theenvelope! IIRC, I first met you by overturning a mossy rock by the
name of Sally Higgins.
tho, and it's nice to know you got
my email about Lillian.
Never did. I have only two active email accounts; the rest have beenmy email about Lillian.
dead for some time, including the one listed above in the header.
Let's see.....
which of those 1001 email addresses was it?.......
"As I said,..." see above.which of those 1001 email addresses was it?.......
p.s. Is this properly bottom posted? I'm unschooled in the finer things,
Not to worry. I'm happy to help with netiquette when necessary. Ifit helps, I'll even correct your spelling of "big words" like
"schadenfreude" (Dose Joiman Woids kin be zo hart tzu spill!).
and sometimes I need a little que.
Que sera, sera.... Did that help?Bye the bye, loved your Slab City stuff, remind's me of
"WILD AT HEART". I think it was filmed in that area.
It is, indeed, a fit setting for a white trash romance. BTW, that's"WILD AT HEART". I think it was filmed in that area.
where all the California hippies go to die, if they're lucky enough to
panhandle the gas money to get there. When John Nikar discovered the
bargain basement of Mexican whores, he left Canada for Slab City and
never returned. Every State should have a squatters ghetto, if only
to occupy unemployed sociologists. As an update on the Slabs, I
should point out that the website is somewhat dated. Desert Rat Dave
is now dead, as is Martha the Vindictive Bull Dyke (aka "The Cat
Lady"), from the usual female cancer. The senior snowbirds are
abandoning the place almost entirely to the drug and human cargo
smugglers welling up out of Mejico (pronounced: "May-Hee-Ko"). Ay!
Pinches narcotraficantes... como McCleary... no es verdad?
P.S. How is the West Nile Virus doing in your neck of the Florida
"Fuckin' internet!!"
~Tony Soprano