Post by HAL9000Post by Bob DivalePost by HAL9000Post by Georgie_Porgie
Pat Nolan would have done a better job at writing a hippie dictionary.
Is this an "obsession" with you??
Can't say it is, I do wonder why you keep reposting the same few
rants, tho I can't say I'm obsessed with it.
I also wonder why you keep using the computer in the church basement
that automatically censors your posts of naughty words.
Post by HAL9000Post by Bob Divale1. Fugged aboud McCleary, you're making yourself appear to be
Speaking of obsession, you seem to spend more than an ample amount of
time crossposting to SD ng's, bantering with the likes of starpiss and
Paul Broadway. BTW, "Obsession" is also a perfume. Try sprinkling
some of that on your stinking political rants... all the more insipid
and offensive they are in an election year!
I've never hidden the fact that I aim to displease the right wingers..
Stargis is too hysterical to ignore and Paul Broadway wishes to
engage, so..
Now Stan de SD, he's a worthy adversary, nasty as you, I'd say, and
one can't help but notice that no one's ever seen you and Stan de SD
at the same time..
As for Mc, I've owed him
Post by HAL9000a punch in the mouth for some years now. I no longer have a
respectful friendship obligation with Phil Mason, so the next time he
might ever become his usual smug, hippie punk in my presence, I just
might lay the panhandling pimp down for a count.
Post by Bob Divale2. thanks for the mention of my good friend Pat Nolan, the great poet
and scholar.
I assure you, it was not an "honorable" mention. Also, he is hardly a
great poet, but rather a scribbling miscreant. Further, you don't
appear to have any "good friends" at all,
Good friend was a figure of speech, but since you broach the subject,
I have friends, good friends, bad friends, acquaintances and enemies,
I hope you're not envious.
but rather an assortment of
Post by HAL9000social misfits that magnetized your "Ironweed" existence in the
Monterey Peninsula many years ago.
You lost me on that one.
It's no wonder also that you
Post by HAL9000spawned what was to later become a "turbo" shyster at large/law. You
have yet to "overcome" your past! I wish you the best in that regard.
As it happens my son is twice the man I am, and, apparently five or
six times the man you are. Is there a reason you seem to have
something against him, or is it just a general hatred of success?
Post by HAL9000Post by Bob DivaleIt was not my intention to you off, just have the feeling it
This is your usual misapprehension of your acts...
Here you stumbled onto something, but...
You're one of the
Post by HAL9000most "intentional" b*stards I've ever known. Somewhat subtle about
it, I grant you, but never clever enough to hide the fact. immediately drove it into the ditch. I'm almost never
intentional, I do often blurt things before I've thought twice about
Post by HAL9000Post by Bob DivaleThe point is, you're wasting your time, you merely disturb McCleary,
and Nolan doesn't even give a .
Usenet, like bad poetry, is a waste of time. You seem to have ample
time to waste yourself. And Nolan doesn't give a sh*t about anything
anyway... that's why he is the prototype for a deadbeat dad. Reggie
was at least right about that! Besides that, you spend too much
energy as defender of social misfits, who are best left to their own
inadequate weaponry.
It doesn't take a lot of energy to disagree with you when you trash
Defending "Macs" like McCleary, McDonough,
Post by HAL9000McCartney, et al, shows your blind devotion to malevolent and
malfeasant gaelic white trash. Would this be a social step upward for
a dago?
I step nor up nor down, socially, I am who I am; nor am I blindly
devoted to
"malevolent and malfeasant gaelic white trash" as you put it, I simply
decline to join you in trashing people with whom I have had better
luck than you.
Post by HAL9000Post by Bob DivaleWhy not put your talents to better use?
I do! What the hell do you think this is anyway??? It's breaktime
from more useful and interesting projects, dummy!
Such as?
Post by HAL9000Post by Bob DivaleAnd I don't mean by attacking me!
Well, I never seem to "attack" you, so much as respond to you in kind,
"in kind" is so understated as to be unintelligible, kind of like
you're throwing bunker busters down a gopher hole.
Post by HAL9000------------------
Bushwack the Republicans and Flush the Johns in '04! Vote for Ralph
(Howzat fer a political rant, bob-o?)
Not too bright if you ask me, it would just lead to four more years of