Post by HAL9000Post by Bob DivalePost by HAL9000Post by Bob DivalePutz. Illegal camper. What the hell are you talking about?
It's one thing to be obtuse, quite another to signify nothing.
Schmuck. Moor-raped Dago. Why do become so defensive about a
weasel-faced, duplicitous khunt who used to make fun of your bad
habits? You're full of sound and fury, signifying idiocy. You've
become an old political Fhart, laid back in a rocking chair with a
laptop. The steamy tropical air has mildewed what's "left" of your
cerebral cortex... Give it a break! Get one of those mercy jobs for
senior citizens at McDonalds. If Bill Bennett stops by, you can ask
him if he'd like fries with his moral order.
Hope this hurts.
"Roberto Divale es pinche cucaracha italiana!"
~Fidel Castro
Putz on a stick! Squatter! Flea Market Republican!
I'm not defensive about her, I'm defending her against your over the
top misongyous insults.
Brigand! Sanguinary sophist! Predaceous pedant! Contamelious Cretin!
Reprobate!... Communist!
Sanguinary Macaque! Papier Mache Mephistopholes! Booty Buggerer! Weed
Post by HAL9000Post by Bob DivaleFlea Market Republican?? Funny, in view of the fact that your bj
buddy, McDonough, was an avid (and still is probably) flea market
hound the last I saw of her, roaming about farm country in Hanford,
Visalia, et al. Of course, she and many of her fat-handed,
shop-keeping-harpy friends surely looked upon themselves "en
plein-air" enthusiasts of "des objets d'art." Frankly, I see them as
nothing more than predaceous vultures, attempting to beat others out
of their not-so-richly-deserved family heirlooms. Any part that I
play in this gamesmanship is merely revenge (something that you
reserve more exclusively for you usenet postings); i.e. getting
between them and some of the booty. I've ed off more than my fair
share some of these grabby gorgons. Of course, the price that you pay
in part is the slander that you thereafter receive, but I've come to
enjoy much of this sedition, and repay the b*tches in kind.
You seem to be laboring under the delusion that every woman you have
known is in direct competition with you over Flea Market Junk. Even
more interesting, you are apparently proud of the one true fact you
have mentioned: that these same women all speak badly of you.
Post by HAL9000Post by Bob DivaleI'm not sure what was supposed to hurt, but I believe it would be
pinche Cucaracha Italiano that you were referring to.
"Du bist Dummkopf mit der kreide," Herr Divale! In Spanish, a
feminine noun is modified by a feminine adjective... Capice, Paisano??
Besides, had I modified it with "Italiano," I might have subtley
exposed you for the cross-posting bi-sexual bozo that you've become in
cyberspace. BTW, one of the lowest positions to assume in usenet is
that of a pedantic schoolmarm. You're best advised to give it up
before you make a fool of yourself again.
Arrogant putz! Italiana is not a word in the Spanish language, hence
the entire sentence is garbage. My writing of it is more correct than
yours, as it uses real words in all three languages, whereas your
writing uses only bullshit
and assumption!
By the way, is a pedantic schoolmarm a lower position in usenet than
your slanderous assaults on certain women we both know, not to mention
your assaults on a certain hippie author?
Post by HAL9000Post by Bob DivaleAnd while you strut and fret your final hours in the drive-in movie
parking lots dwell less on the antics of the ladies in the back seats
of the cars and more on the reasons why you're not in the back seats
with them.
I know why I'm no longer in the back seats with them... Why should I
dwell upon it? Also, I know all about what goes on as well, and find
no reason dwell upon such human foibles. You must be more like Ramon
Oliver, still chasing your dick after all these years.... You need a
new job, Bob. Get a new plan, Stan... Set yourself free.
I can't say I'm chasing my dick, I admit I have great respect for the
objects of it's affection...
Post by HAL9000You know, Bob, I liked you better when you were just a struggling
wannabe artist, trash-hauler, pseudo-carpenter, part-time Chinese
cook, and I Ching enthusiast.
You managed things better then too...
Now that you've devolved into a
Post by HAL9000reactionary, bitter, old Liberal, sitting in a rocking chair in
Florida, you're finally what your mother raised you to be (much to her
consternation in old age, I'm sure): a snot-nose dago.
I am happily an old liberal, ( and a libertine as well!), sorry about
the rocking chair, I don't have one, in fact I still put out more work
in a day than you average in a month, as always....
bitterness has never really been a factor with me, and now less than
having learned from my Confucian studies a great deal that you very
obviously haven't.
Your last paragraph leads me to think that I have hurt your feelings,
sorry about that, but you really need to develop a thicker skin, also,
you would be less vulnerable if you gave the ladies a compliment now
and then...
Post by HAL9000-----------------
"Cuba Si!"
Logo on a tee shirt worn by a flea market bimbo
Si, Cuba.